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National Market Research and Recruiting, a division of ITM Enterprise, Inc. based in Nashville, TN recruits consumers for local and national studies in a variety of city locations for a variety of study types including online forums, in-person focus groups, mystery shopping, mock jury, taste-test, home use testing, taste tests and other related market research studies. In order to be included in possible research studies in your area or online, you must first agree to and opt-in to our database by completing this questionnaire.  Please be aware you may opt-out of participation at anytime.  If you are selected to participate in a research study by our company, you will be able to share your opinions with people, industry and companies world-wide concerning their products and ideas.  ITM Enterprise and it's affiliates will always pay you for your time and participation in any study for which you are scheduled to participate in by us. 

Please follow these two links for more information
on "How It All Works" and a link to our Privacy Policy

If you have any further questions, please contact us before proceeding 

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Please read each carefully and check the individual box once you agree to each statement.  
By checking the boxes below, you consent to understanding and agreement of each item. 
Please, do not continue if you have questions or do not agree / consent to all 3 items. 
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